the best way to exchange bitcoin for cryptocurrencies

the best way to exchange bitcoin for cryptocurrencies

Key facts:
  • Using FixedFloat is as simple as sending BTC to one address and receiving cryptocurrencies at another.

  • No need to create accounts, or pass “know your customer” (KYC) reviews

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FixedFloat is an exchange site that specializes in doing only one thing and does it very well: exchange bitcoin (BTC) for cryptocurrencies such as Tether (USDT) or Binance Coin (BNB) and vice versa in a few minutes, without account registration or data delivery for KYC, and without losing control of your money.

In this type of exchange you will not be able to make leverage, nor bet on the upside or downside, simply exchange your money from or to BTC as simply as possible.

How to use FixedFloat to exchange bitcoin for cryptocurrencies

Using FixedFloat is very simple, you just have to choose the currency you want to change on the left side and the one you need to receive on the right side. Then the amount to be sent (changed) is placed, which will show an approximate to be received.

If you want to guarantee that this amount will be the one received, you must choose Fixed Rate (fixed rate), otherwise the default option is chosen Float Rate (floating/variable rate).

Finally, the address of the currency you want to receive is placed, it is verified at least 3 times (as a security measure) and then the operation is advanced in “Exchange Now”.


Exchange FIxed Float, choice of currency, amount and address.
Currency, amount and address choice screen. If you click on the amount, the
minimum and maximum amounts (liquidity) available per cryptocurrency. Source: Screenshot/ Criptonews.

On the next screen the details of the exchange will be displayed and an address of the cryptocurrency chosen by the user to be exchanged will be granted, along with the exact amount to be sent. It is important to verify the information shown on this screen, as it is final.

Once the information is verified, the exact amount is sent (it has to be exact) and the interface will display the incoming transaction information with the number of current confirmations. As soon as the number of necessary confirmations is reached, the agreed money (depending on the rate) will be sent to the address of receipt placed.

Exchange Fixed Float, waiting for deposit and confirmation with BTC and USDT.
Deposit and confirmation waiting screen. The information must be confirmed very well before sending money; that the receiving address is correct, above all. Then it waits for confirmations. Source: Screenshot/ Criptonews.

The payment transaction may be confirmed by the user, since the platform throws out all the data for identification. It also provides links to different block browsers to track. In case of delivering an email, the operation can also be monitored in this way; clearly this reduces the user’s privacy.

It is good security practice to wait for confirmations on the network before terminating the exchange, because in cases like Bitcoin, transactions are sent with the RBF (replacement by commission) feature, which allows the sending to be modified even before the first confirmation.

Exchange Fixed Float, money sent from BTC and USDT.
Ready, money sent. Once on this screen, you will be able to see transaction information and links to the different block browsers for verification. Source: Screenshot/ Criptonews.

How are the commissions and liquidity at FixedFloat?

FixedFloat has a fairly simple commission or fee policy for trading:

  • Fixed Rate (fixed rate): under this policy, the exchange price between the selected cryptocurrency pairs is fixed for 10 minutes at the time of hitting the “Exchange Now” button. For this advantage, the site charges 1% of the changed amount.
  • Float Rate (variable rate): using this option, the exchange price is fixed at the moment when the sent transaction obtains the necessary number of confirmations; probably different from the one shown at the start of the operation. The site charges 0.5% of the amount under this modality.

In terms of liquidity, it should be clear that this it is not a site for millionaire exchanges, as could be Binance or Coinbase. Exchanges on this platform range from a few tens to a few thousand dollars.

At the time of writing this article, the amount of money available to change ranges from $100,000 to almost a million, depending on the chosen cryptocurrency. Thus, for example, to exchange Ethereum there is an availability of 45 ETH; for Bitcoin there is 3.3 BTC; and for Tether, the most used, there is a liquidity of 600,000 USDT between the four available networks (ERC20, BEP2, BEP20 and TRC20).

Cryptocurrencies and bitcoin lightning on FixedFloat

Between criptomonedas which you can get at this site, in addition to bitcoin, include Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), 0x, BAT, BNB, Binance USD, Cardano (ADA), DAI, Dash, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Polygon, PancakeSwap, Maker, Ripple (XRP), Stellar (XLM), Pax Dollar, Terra USD, Tezos (XTZ), Tron, TrueUSD, USDC, Zcash (ZEC) and Tether. Several of them are available on different networks.

In addition, there is a possibility to use the Bitcoin payments layer, Lightning, to make the exchanges. In this case, while the speed of the tool is taken advantage of, the liquidity for exchange decreases dramatically. For this article only 0.18 BTC was available via Lightning.

Exchange Fixed Float, Lightning for fast payments.
The technology for fast and instant payments Ligthning is also available on FixedFloat to make changes with bitcoin. Source: Screenshot/ Criptonews.

It usually happens that some cryptocurrency is deactivated due to problems with the networks or their high commissions, as was the case recently in Ethereum. Therefore, if there are no alternative networks for the asset, another exchange must be used to make the exchange.


FixedFloat is the place to go, whether it’s exchanging a few cryptocurrencies for BTC or vice versa. It’s fast, it’s secure, it’s verifiable, and as convenient and simple to use as buying or selling bitcoin to someone in person: a simple exchange of addresses and money. Some users even compare it to ShapeShift in 2015 “when it was cool”.

The site has been in operation for more than 3 years, it is translated into Spanish, it works correctly in desktop and mobile version, and has good recommendations on platforms such as TrustPilot and even on the favorite site of bitcoiners, BitcoinTalk.

The support has a lot to do with achieving those recommendations, because since its creation they have listened to users to make improvements both in the platform and in the coin offer. Also, when you have a problem, you just need to open the chat button that floats at the bottom right of the site and describe it to get help in minutes, 24/7. The only limitation: it’s only in English.

While its liquidity does not compare to that of exchanges of the likes of Binance or Coinbase, it is sufficient for everyday exchanges. In addition, it has several of the most used cryptocurrencies on the market, and has the most advanced technology in the case of Bitcoin (Lightning), so the utility is guaranteed.

The fees of 0,5 to 1% of the amount may seem high to those who are accustomed to do trading in specialized platforms, but keep in mind the advantages and the type of use of FixedFloat to make the comparison: this site does not charge fees for deposits or withdrawals, will not need to create accounts or make KYC, don’t take control of your money in no time. Seen this way, it seems more than just what they charge for the rare and great service they offer.